Anyways, these past few days we've had a little health crisis with my kid. Nothing serious... well, I thought it was. If you wake up one morning and your kid has blood coming out of his ear...yeah... kinda serious I'd say. When the doctor refuses to see you because "it isnt and emergency, stay home" it becomes more than just an ear infection, it becomes something scary because you don't feel very protected.
Two years old my kid, how long can it take you to take that little instrument and look into his ear to see that there is nothing wrong? How can you make a diagnose over the phone, and not even the doctor... an assistant?
So it just got a bit exhacerbated by a divergence of treatment manners which could also be reduced, once more, to a cultural difference. Believe me, being an immigrant is not a whole lotta fun sometimes. And before someone with a touch of foreign-phobia says something like go back to your own country, I say... I would If I could... Im here because of love, nothing else.
Anyway... very uplifting right?? Sorry.
Here is something more interesting and worth taking a look at.
Today, a short article I wrote for the DaWanda shopping directory blog which can be read here, was published. Thanks to Sara from Sara's Crafts of Texture, the editor and all around headmistress, for her help and patience with me, again.
And also, I've been choosen Smidger of the week at the great Smidge site. There is a little article written about me and the products. If you are looking for a nice place where to promote your work, meet other crafters, share stories and dicover new stuff... Smidge is a good place where to go.
This saturday August 23rd (almost the end of the month again!) I will be featured in a great blog run by Justinas (who must be a very just and fair woman considering the latin origin and meaning of her name). The blog is called On my perch, go take a look. The even greater news is that she has organized and will present that day a give away, and this little handpainted canvas bag will be the prize!

I will remind you on saturday, but go read her blog, discover new designers and crafters!
ok, that is it for now!!!!
Hope everyone is ok.
Click click on all those links :)
Hope your son is better, Marian xx
Great article in the DaWanda directory! Canvas bags that pretty? Great idea. Smidge? That's a new one on me...but now I've found it...
Wow, hope your little boy is okay!
That new bag is so cute - I love the little bird.
Thanks Charlotte! He is doing better already.
Smidge is quite cool. From Canada I think. Lots of people from both Etsy and Dawanda.
Penny, thanks..he is doing better. And yeah, go tomorrow to that blog and sign up!
oh yikes, sorry to hear about that! i hope little s is feeling better.
Glad to hear your little one is better! Well done on all your media coverage lately - excellent promotion for your site!
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