First you have to make your dye... you can experiment with a lot of things. I'll use the golden onion skins as an example (I suppose one can use red onions too and achieve another color).
You use only the golden outter layers. Peel them off -about 5 onions- and then add them to a pot with water and about 5-10grms of salt/2 tablespoons.The salt helps fixate the dye to the yarn, wool, fabric, etc. Take that to a boil and then cook it for about 25minutes. Then strain it (the onion skins you can throw away).

In the meantine, pre soak what you will dye -wool in my case- in water and normal vinegar. Measurements? eeerrrm... a couple of glugs... nothing scientific here. For what I understand the vinegar helps the wool prepare and take the dye better. Let it soak while the dye is cooking. Rinse.
*If you are going to dye unspun wool (as in the wool you use for felting) try no to move it too much or rubb it because otherwise you will end with felted roving...remember: water, movement and wool are what make felt!
Once the dye was strained and the wool rinsed, gently dip the wool into the dye (*don't stir too much... remember: felt!) and "cook" -with the lid on or your dye will evaporate- for about 30minutes (or when the wool is a bit darker than what you want it to look when it is dry. Remember that with water, colors look brighter!).

When you think you have achieved the right color, take it off the fire, and let it cool. Then remove gently, rinse until you don't see any more color coming out ( I didn't have any!) and let it dry undisturbed!

*One last note for those whom might want to dye unspun wool: don't forget that if you "cook" it for too long, the wool will start felting too... warmth, water and the movement in the pot will make the fibers entangle and a bit stiff.
My other experiments...
-spinach: green
-spinach + tumeric: fluorescent green! :)
-carrot + orange peel + 1 spoon of cinamon: a pinkish-orangey... LOL looks likea cake recipe!
- beets: same steps as before...

Left: beets
right: onion skins.
Hope you give it a try and have fun!
That is so cool, I will try that soon!
marian!!! que bueno soy gaby de argentina me mataste con el tumeric ?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ que es ?¿?¿?¿?
ya esta lo encontre te falto una r
Gaby, en Noviembre estoy en ARG.
Curucma efectivamente... podes probar con Curry tambien!
Hi Florcita / Marian! Your colours look so lively, only I'm afraid they won't last. From what I read I understand that the reds and greens obtained directly from red and green vegetables and fruits are not fast, especially not lightfast. Are you going to put the dyed wool to lightfastness test? I'm very much interested in the results. I've also used onion skins on wool and got different colours from the golden and red onion skins, and they are rather lightfast.
Hey Ladka...
I actually read otherwise! hahaahah I have a book here on veggie dyeing... a very old book, and it says that it is fine, that it is the old way of doing it.
How did you make them lightfast then? I mean, you used veggies too but you've done something different, evidently, which I haven't done... and that is?
Hi Marian! You may find the answers to some of your questions on my site on workingwithfelt.
Furthermore, I didn't just believe what I'd read and had to make sure and made some experiments nonetheless.The pale green I got from yarrow faded to dirty-ish off-white with time. The violet from red cabbages didn't really attach well to the wool and was then washed off mostly, and soon faded to dirty greyish. So you can see I couldn't make them lightfast if they were not lightfast in their nature.
As for those plants that do give colour to wool: when I started natural dyeing I of course had no alum and just dyed all the same. Some colours took to wool better, others were weaker, some faded. Then I ordered one kilogram of alum at a chemical retailer in my country (you will have to ask someone nearer you where it can be obtained).
As for the instructions in your dyeing book, please let me know how your dyed wool behaves. A good light-fastness test is the following: you hide half of the dyed wool in a a paper envelope and let the other half be visible. You fasten this somehow on a window glass with as much sun as possible and let it be there for ten to 14 days. After that time you compare the hidden part to the part exposed to light - and you can be very sure whether the dye used is lightfast or not.
ok, thanks.
wonderful tutorial! Your colors turned out beautifully :)
great post! we're going to dye wool this spring, and i've wanted to try natural (veggie) dyes. we'll try your directions! :)
Oh, wow how wonderful! Thank you for sharing... I will make sure to add it to the working with felt blog for you.
pero es que eres única ya mismo me veo comprando lana natural y teñiendola en casa ,pero tengo una pregunta¿ como la pongo acercar? ,la tiendo sin mas o hay alguna manera de hacerlo
Wow. I'm fascinated by these dyes. i'm sure i'm unlikely to ever use them...except i'd like to know how with eggs - just put the skins in the water as you boil them? - but it is such an interesting process. Can you ever be sure how strongly the colour will take? How much do you use?? you know what I mean.
Fantastic tutorial, the resulting colours are amazing!
Luy: sacalas del agua, escurri un poco el agua y despues ponelas a secar sobre una toalla en una mesa o un secador
charlotte: just throw the skins with the eggs....
E&L: thanks!
Marian, que fantastica idea compartir tu trabajo en un tutorial!!
Mariel, otra que apuesta a la difusion...
sos de las mias MAriel!
Here are some more links if anyone interested - on how I dye - on-line info + list of books on natural dyeing
Hello Marian, as for the alum you can use 'Kaltbeitz', which you can order at 'wolwerkplaatsmoederaarde'. It is like alum, but a safe product and you can use it cold and use it over and over. And also you can store it for a long time. Btw I looooooove the orange colour! xDorie
Hey Dorie!
After I wrote this a while back I actually been to Moderaarde... I've been there for a couple of workshops as I live in the neighbourhood. And I bought some beits... thanks!
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1. Clean - Start your natual skin careroutine with a cleanser, by Mary KayCosmetics. That's it! No additives that can cause irritation to your skin especially should you have sensitive skin. You can use the Mary Kay Cosmetics cleanser by simply wetting your facial area to rinse. Remove the cleanser by using a MaryKay® Facial Cleansing Cloths.
2. Tone - Next, using cotton wool and Mary Kay Purifying Freshener to remove the last traces of facial cleanser and tone the skin. Have you tried Flower Waters? They aresuper helpful to the health of the skin as they are organic and contain anti-bacterial properties which reduce bacteria growing which in turn stops rashes and spots. Some also have astringent properties which close pores, and make the skin more toned. Some excellent ones to try are good old water - cold, rosewater (good for mature skin too), orange flower water andnaturalwitch hazel. Avoid toners with alcohol as these will dryout your skin which will damage your efforts.
3. Moisturise - This step is essential to healthy skin. You need to replace lost moisture to the skin and this is best done with Mary Kay Balancing Moisturizer Cream to suit your skin type. The most common are sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin, so look out for these descriptions when purchasing creams.
4. Sun Cream - Stay out away from the sun - UV rays provoke the skin to age, thereforeuse a factor that is suitable for your skin type for maximum sun protection. Mary Kay Sun Care Collection is an exceptional choice.
5. Avoid Free Radicals - What are they? See our write-up on free radicals for further details, but in a few words the yare molecules that set off the skin to age and wrinkle. Use Anti-oxidants tocombat free radicals that age the skin. Vitamin A, C & E are particularly useful in addition to coconut and olive oil. A handful of almonds are loaded with sufficient vitamin E to counteract free radicals.
6. Water - yes, drinking water really does help to flush out poisons and re-hydrate your skin. Approximately 2 litres per day (8x 250ml glasses).
7. Serums - These are nutritious oils with an ingredient to help transfer the oils into the much deeper levels of the skin so theyimprove the tone and elasticity. It is best to use the therapy twice a day, once in the morning a few minutes before you moisturise and again before you go to bed so that it can do its work while you sleep. Mary Kay Cosmetics TimeWise® Replenishing Serum+C is an excellent choice.
8. Face Mask - Use a Mary Kay TimeWise® Even Complexion Mask as a weekly treatment.
9. Rest - Sleep is one of the best things you can do for your skin.
These suggestions ought to not be used as a one off, butincorporated into a regular skin care routine for best effects.
For more information on the Mary Kay Cosmetics Skin Care line please visit
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But just when you thought that Trollbeads might have packed their schedule to the brim manufacturing over 50 beads from our International neighbours as well as designing their new autumn collection, they then decide to coincide this with the arrival of their new range of Universal Unique Malwai beads!
As a family run business one wonders how on earth they manage to fit it all in, they really never cease to amaze! Nonetheless this new collection is just as special as everything else Troll brings to its followers, if not (dare I say it) even more so in the amount of spirit founder Lise Aagaard has put into establishing the project . One of the most high-priced Thomas Sabo Jewellery [url=]thomas sabo charms uk[/url] is diamond Thomas Sabo Jewellery . Spring is a season which is full of inspiration . Tiffany jewellery is acknowledged for its best beneficial quality and craftsmanship that everyone desires to acquire it . Phone, computers, televisions, fax [url=]Tiffany And Co Rings[/url] machines and all other electronic products can be reused or recycled . You can get also huge skull engagement rings, masculine plus elegant, mock-croc wristbands, plated plus linked wristbands, along by using basic strap rings those of you that like lifestyle . Its stated [url=]Links of London Letter Charms[/url] about charms they signify our chic and obsession.[/p][p]He flies [url=]Tiffany jewellery[/url] to the Na'vi camp and they're past impressed . stores single gross sales organizations and shops have been in many nations in quick succession . The charms can each be purchased [url=]Pandora Gold Beads[/url] separately . Jewelry Thomas Sabo Charms grades afford created by foundation or simply metal, of importance to appraisal together with a relationship old or simply the latest silver precious metal Thomas Sabo [url=]Pandora jewellery[/url] Accessories . Its need was relatively huge all through the 1800s and persists to be so all through the 21st century, even using the instead huge original cost of most pieces . Emporio Armani jewellery exudes sophistication and is a wonderful choice of gift for someone special [url=]Tiffany Earrings[/url] in your life . Every woman wants to have a piece of diamond jewelry, but it is too expensive . THOMAS SABO necklace around your neck, twenty everyday life time frame for finish his or her 20-year-old can be a specially bothersome your ex haversack.[/p]
[p]The benefit of shopping for jewelry on the internet is that a number of the on the net stores [url=]links of london charms[/url] offer you payment plans, which makes it extra convenient for your jewelry will need . Autumn / Winter 2012
But just when you thought that Trollbeads might have packed their schedule to the brim manufacturing over 50 beads from our International neighbours as well as designing their new autumn collection, they then decide to coincide this with the arrival of their new range of Universal Unique Malwai beads!
As a family run business one wonders how on earth they manage to fit it all in, they really never cease to amaze! Nonetheless this new collection is just as special as everything else Troll brings to its followers, if not (dare I say it) even more so in the amount of spirit founder Lise Aagaard has put into establishing the project . One of the most high-priced Thomas Sabo Jewellery [url=]thomas sabo charms uk[/url] is diamond Thomas Sabo Jewellery . Spring is a season which is full of inspiration . Tiffany jewellery is acknowledged for its best beneficial quality and craftsmanship that everyone desires to acquire it . Phone, computers, televisions, fax [url=]Tiffany And Co Rings[/url] machines and all other electronic products can be reused or recycled . You can get also huge skull engagement rings, masculine plus elegant, mock-croc wristbands, plated plus linked wristbands, along by using basic strap rings those of you that like lifestyle . Its stated [url=]Links of London Letter Charms[/url] about charms they signify our chic and obsession.[/p][p]He flies [url=]Tiffany jewellery[/url] to the Na'vi camp and they're past impressed . stores single gross sales organizations and shops have been in many nations in quick succession . The charms can each be purchased [url=]Pandora Gold Beads[/url] separately . Jewelry Thomas Sabo Charms grades afford created by foundation or simply metal, of importance to appraisal together with a relationship old or simply the latest silver precious metal Thomas Sabo [url=]Pandora jewellery[/url] Accessories . Its need was relatively huge all through the 1800s and persists to be so all through the 21st century, even using the instead huge original cost of most pieces . Emporio Armani jewellery exudes sophistication and is a wonderful choice of gift for someone special [url=]Tiffany Earrings[/url] in your life . Every woman wants to have a piece of diamond jewelry, but it is too expensive . THOMAS SABO necklace around your neck, twenty everyday life time frame for finish his or her 20-year-old can be a specially bothersome your ex haversack.[/p]
[p]The benefit of shopping for jewelry on the internet is that a number of the on the net stores [url=]links of london charms[/url] offer you payment plans, which makes it extra convenient for your jewelry will need . Autumn / Winter 2012
But just when you thought that Trollbeads might have packed their schedule to the brim manufacturing over 50 beads from our International neighbours as well as designing their new autumn collection, they then decide to coincide this with the arrival of their new range of Universal Unique Malwai beads!
As a family run business one wonders how on earth they manage to fit it all in, they really never cease to amaze! Nonetheless this new collection is just as special as everything else Troll brings to its followers, if not (dare I say it) even more so in the amount of spirit founder Lise Aagaard has put into establishing the project . One of the most high-priced Thomas Sabo Jewellery [url=]thomas sabo charms uk[/url] is diamond Thomas Sabo Jewellery . Spring is a season which is full of inspiration . Tiffany jewellery is acknowledged for its best beneficial quality and craftsmanship that everyone desires to acquire it . Phone, computers, televisions, fax [url=]Tiffany And Co Rings[/url] machines and all other electronic products can be reused or recycled . You can get also huge skull engagement rings, masculine plus elegant, mock-croc wristbands, plated plus linked wristbands, along by using basic strap rings those of you that like lifestyle . Its stated [url=]Links of London Letter Charms[/url] about charms they signify our chic and obsession.[/p][p]He flies [url=]Tiffany jewellery[/url] to the Na'vi camp and they're past impressed . stores single gross sales organizations and shops have been in many nations in quick succession . The charms can each be purchased [url=]Pandora Gold Beads[/url] separately . Jewelry Thomas Sabo Charms grades afford created by foundation or simply metal, of importance to appraisal together with a relationship old or simply the latest silver precious metal Thomas Sabo [url=]Pandora jewellery[/url] Accessories . Its need was relatively huge all through the 1800s and persists to be so all through the 21st century, even using the instead huge original cost of most pieces . Emporio Armani jewellery exudes sophistication and is a wonderful choice of gift for someone special [url=]Tiffany Earrings[/url] in your life . Every woman wants to have a piece of diamond jewelry, but it is too expensive . THOMAS SABO necklace around your neck, twenty everyday life time frame for finish his or her 20-year-old can be a specially bothersome your ex haversack.[/p]
[p]The benefit of shopping for jewelry on the internet is that a number of the on the net stores [url=]links of london charms[/url] offer you payment plans, which makes it extra convenient for your jewelry will need . Autumn / Winter 2012
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