Firstly, I would like to apologise for not joining the rest of the "shopping list saturday" people this last saturday. I had quite a hectic weekend with wedding anniversary, 3 birthday parties, dinners and a sick kid (after all that candy!). I will rejoin next week.
Hey! thanks to all the messages left by other sellers in dawanda I found out a pinboard I submitted (theme: RED! obviously) has been rotating on the front page... I managed to get a glimpse today before it changed again:

I don't know if you can read (click on the pic) but it says FLORCITA there :) Good for all the people with red items I had picked before. I never thought my pinboard would get chosen. But now I will submit one once a week and hey, include a friend or two ;) who knows...
And, the girls from LasLopez chose one of my products for a treasury:

For tomorrow I have: new necklaces, ceramic buttons (squares, stars and hearts! in different colors...) and... some more.
Lastly, I would humbly and publicly like to apologise for any spelling mistakes that this blog might have. I hope they don't become the most important part of what I write and that the idea, at least, is understandable.
English is not my mother language. Spanish is. And I live in the Netherlands, which means that on a daily basis I speak/write/listen to dutch and dialects closer to german than anything else. My head switches constantly from spanish/dutch/dialect/english and back again... all day long. I am bound to make mistakes... spelling or grammatical. So I apologise, but I hope the deeper content of the blog, not semantics and syntaxis, is more important and understood.
Thanks and have a nice monday!
your English is very good for as I can see but yes me dutchie cannot have good sight at this. You must be very tired with this language swichtings.
Glad for you with this dawanda thing, I've never done such a thing maybe .....but I'm so uncertain(is this a english expression?)
I wish my English was as good as yours florcita!
Another red-lover, great! And I am temped to join you on Dawanda, but - everything has it's time.
Thank you for "playing and dyeing" with me :). I will be back to check your ceramics.
Another non-English trying to write in English ox
I saw your beautiful pinboard and your message. Congratulations on the first page as well!
Your language skill is great. I always smile when reading your write up because of your humor or witty.
Yvette, thanks. You should give it a go... It's for free to start a shop!
Ana, thank you!
Monika, we do what we can! Check dawanda up whenever you can... so far it is for free to set up shop and list!
Lily, I keep seeing you on the front page!
your english is amazing, considering the other languages floating around in your head! :) i could never speak 2 languages fluently, let alone understand a 3rd.
Don't worry about the language - your English is great! I can barely keep up with 2 languages, let alone 3 or 4. I don't know how you do it!
Congrats on the pinboard and treasury!
fishy... I try... sometimes I mix 'em all up though!
Achtung, I don't know either. You know what it feels like at the end of the day, after listening another language and trying to cope with it!
I know how you feel: my mother tongue is French, my husband's italian, we speak english at home...but we live in Turkey!
Our brains will never get a chance to rot!!!! :)
hahaha itś good for the brain they say!
There's nothing wrong with your English at all - you make yourself understood, and your personality comes across well. I always enjoy reading your blog. And your English is much better than my Dutch - mijn Nederlands is slecht. ;-)
Wow, Flo - I've missed a lot of your posts...where have I been??
Love, love love those necklaces. I'm never sure about orange either, but it really does look gorgeous with the grey and silver! Great, unusual combination.
What else...bikes...tell me about it!
Your English is fabulous! I don't know how you do it - and make so many lovely things whilst writing and listing new items...all in these foreign languages!
Gosh - I've written a novel! I'll be off now.
Oh! Great stuff with the FP!...going now xx
Kitty, thanks... well, dutch is a difficult language... you gotta train your throat well to pronounce all those sounds!
Charlotte... hahahah thanks thanks thanks... I dont know how I do it either... the pile of laundry might give me a hint... :)
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