Flickr Favorites Tuesday: Rainy days
Originally uploaded by Marian Florcita
Rainy days indeed... rainy weeks I should say. It's a very wet autumn so far. Previous years we' ve had fabulous autumns with warm afternoons and soft lights. Not this year it seems.
Wet and all I kinda enjoy these first weeks of autumn. A blanket, a cuddly afternoon with tea and cake... not so enamoured of chores and long queues at the post office though...
All the credit to the fantastic photographs whom took these pics. Click on the mosaic for a larger view and the name of said photographs.
If you want to join the Flickr Faves, hop on to Mitsy' s blog to sign up!
Tomorrow, more goodies... :)
Those photos make rain look beautiful too :)
I think rain is fine - when its not day after day after day .
So beautiful!
Divinas las fotos, pero despiertan una gran añoranza! aca sigue sin llover hace meses, llego la primavera pero nada de agua. Han acortado las clases del colegio por ese motivo. deberiamos hacer algun tipo de truque!
Fantasticas fotos! :)
Aquí sigue sin llover y con un calor que no parece Otoño...
You make the rain look so inviting Marian!
Rhiannon Yeah, rain is fine when it gives you a breath after too much sun. problem here is that we haven' t had...too much sun... more like none. Oh well...
Lily talented photographers!
Lucia espera que ahora voy yo. A donde sea que yo me vaya de vacaciones, me llevo la lluvia. Es un karma. Voy yo con la nubecita encima!
maria Aca ya estamos en los 10C a la maniana...del sol ni noticias!
Chrissie ahahaha for one or two days... enough already!
Sounds like we've been having the same weather. Love the mosaic!
Seems it's raining everywhere,even here in St. Ives all day today!
Since I don't live very far from you, it's been raining here non stop too today! :) But I kind of like the rain - it's part of fall & I love fall! :)
Beautiful looking favourites - almost makes me think I WANT it to rain. Almost.
I agree with Claire!!!!
I almost want the rain as well!!!
hugs B
Beautiful! I'd like to have some rain too!
sending rain to all of you asking for it. We've had enough already! Thanks for stopping by guys!
For me rainy days are always gray (like today) so this is really beautiful way to look at rain...
me encantaron las fotos, para mi la lluvia es un elemento mas que especial e inspirador!!!!
Te mando un beso
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