Friday, 9 October 2009

Friday' s links

Because life is not just about felting... well, my life at least. In this household we do a lot of things to try to change the way we think about our life and how it affects the planet. I could list numerous things that we have slowly implemented and included in our daily life like recycling, making compost, growing our own food, harvesting water, reducing the amount of plastic we buy (as per wrappings, bags...), etc. But instead, I want to do something else that I think is very important: sharing information. So every friday I will add a book, articles, links... Because the first step is to understand and believe that change is needed. For our children.

Short, to the point... video from WWF:


Chrissie said...

Good link Marian. As a fellow-wet-felter you know how much water we can use in our craft. I try to balance this by making a monthly donation to Wateraid, a wonderful charity which helps provide clean water to communities in developing countries. I suppose every little helps!

eralamaga said...

buenisismo!! Aca tambien hacemos compost, y empezamos un movimiento de "descartemos lo descartable", pero nos esta constando mucho insertar en la comunidad ciertas ideas con respecto a la basura!
ya pongo tu link en facebook.
besos, lucia

marielt trill guillot said...

que imagenes tan interesantes e instructivas. Yo tambien me aposte a la compostera y la verdad es que es util y hasta comodo disponer de toda la basura organica para alimentar "la lumbrí".
respecto al agua...da verguenza pero en nuestro pais aun se lavan las veredas a manguera... todos los dias.

Tweed Thoughts said...

Really good idea for a regular blog post - very informative :) Haven't got e-mail but will check over on Flickr :D
(like the new-look blog BTW!)

florcita said...

Chrissie I hate wasting all that water. I actually have started to re use the water (instead of letting it run on the floor) and Ive been felting with cold water... it' s actually even better for my hands! We re use water in anyway we can, and next year when I have my studio Im planning to have a special felters table so I can harvest my own used water and re use it!
Lucia Muy buena idea esa. Nosotros hacemos compost que luego vuelve a la tierra porque tenemos quinta... es mas, este verano hemos cosechado tanto que tengo el freezer lleno... verdura para todo el invierno. Sobretodo porque aca la verdura es cara y siempre de vivero... lo cual implica que mucho gusto no tiene...
Mariel es increible lo barata que es el agua en Argentina (agua, gas, electricidad). Si supieran lo que se paga aca y por ende los malabares que se hacen para poder ahorrar. La gente aca no es que tenga mas consciencia ecologica que alla, sino que esta obligada a tener cuidado porque se paga muchisimo...
Alison There will actually be a completel make over of blog and website soon... but today U poosted this vid and it messed up the whole old theme, so I changed to this.
Will write email later!

Gaba Pir Fieltro said...


eralamaga said...

y como frizas las verduras? precocidas? dame ideas! yo ahora igual justo alquile una casa por dos años, y a su vez, alquile la mia con una super huerta, asi que aca no tengo nada, pero esta bueno poder conservar para el invierno!

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