Thursday, 20 August 2009

sweat shop?'s warm.... warm...warm. See how one complains about how cold it is, rainy and gray? and now it's 37C, sunny and.... all around sticky... and one still complains!
Anyway, hot or not I had to work on some orders. Someone asked me if I could show how flat the seed bags can be folded, so here it' s the Charcoal gray seed bag photographed flat for you to see:

So, pretty easy to store or take with you in your suitcase when you travel.

I wanted to show you too, these whimsical little tea cups I made a few months ago. I was cleaning up my photograph's folders and I found them:

Not like I' m going to go have warm tea right now...I would, however, like to be sitting on top of an glacier at the moment...

Coming soon:

-new bag
- hand dyed and hand spun cotton yarn sale
-Give away... (it' s been a while since I last hosted one!)

So, stay tuned...

Joy oh joy... it' s "cooking dinner" time. Comb your hair son, we are going out.


Unknown said...

Hola Florcita :-) !! Gracias por tu comentario que dejaste en mi blog, estoy buscando de empezar a escribir y compartir más de mi proyecto o emprendimiento que se está fortalenciendo. Sinceramente tenés un don regalo de la vida maravilloso, todo tu trabajo es hermoso, me encanta y me alegra conocerlo!!! Espero ver tu nueva cartera! Hay cosas del inglés que no entiendo, pero tus fotos hablan más que las palabras!! Un abrazo! Érica

painted fish studio said...

stay cool over the weekend!

Tweed Thoughts said...

I love these little cups - spotted them on Flickr and meant to go back and have a look :) Fab that your bags fold up so flat and neat - so easy to post too :D Enjoy your meal!

florcita said...

Erica, muchas gracias por los halagos. A mi me encantan las cosas que haces vos. lindas telas, lindo se ve tan seguido! Disculpa el ingles. En algun momento hacia todo bilingue pero como el 99% de la gente que viene aca es de habla inglesa... termine asi. Nos seguimos leyendo!

Fishy, thanks! I did!

Alison...thanks! I thought it was pretty cool that one can fold the bags so thin...stay completely out of the way!