Monday, 17 August 2009

Productive weekend I

My husband and I went to Craftparking yesterday. It was a craft fair in an old cement factory in Maastricht, in the south of The Netherlands. It had the added bonus of a summer festival right next to it, so not only did we see lots of interesting artisans and their goods, but heard some african music and ate wonderful food from Peru, Argentina and Indonesia. I really like this kind of international fairs where you get lots of arts minded people sharing a nice sunny afternoon... and a beer or two.

I met lots of artisans from the European Street Team of Etsy and later on we went for dinner at a nearby restaurant up in a hill where I guess we would still be, had it not been for the waiters politely throwing us out! If the personel starts cleaning around you... sign that you have worn out your welcome! haahaha
We continued in the parking lot for another half an hour or so... where goodbyes were delayed as much as possible. There weren't only friends from The Netherlands and Belgium whom could reach this fair pretty easily; but also Maria and her hubby from LeelaBijou who came all the way from The Canary Islands and Kerrie from Sigmosaics who came from Portugal!
I spoke spanish, english and dutch all night long which got a bit confusing after I ordered a cold beer expecting the ussual small glass, and instead I received a huge one with half a liter of beer in it!

Here are some goodies I got from Kim, from viltalakim; Mitsy from Artmind and Kerry from Sigmosaics.

Whilst I was chatting with the girls, my husband got me these gorgeous lampwork beads. I love glass beads and since last year when I took a weekend workshop, I've been meaning to try it out again...

And that was just sunday... there is a part II to this productove weekend post!


Tweed Thoughts said...

Sounds like a fab weekend - lovely beads :)

Kim van Waardenburg said...

hi mariana,
My daughter bought also 2 beads there. She came to me asking for some money, because she wanted to buy something. ...... did it completely by herself.
Did you know this seller also has a shop at etsy?

Lily Pang said...

The beads are really bautiful! I love this kind of fair as well.

Chrissie said...

Sounds like you all had a great time! Lucky girl to get some beads.

florcita said...

Thanks everyone We did have fun and enjoyed the good company. If only these type of markets happened more often!

LeelaBijou said...


Fue genial conoceros y una experiencia inolvidable :)

Me encantaría seguir en contacto contigo (blog,correo electrónico, etc), eres un encanto! :)


PS: besos de Jaime, le caisteis muy bien los dos :)

painted fish studio said...

your weekend sounds so wonderful! isn't it fun meeting crafters/bloggers?!

florcita said...

Gracias Maria! A nosotros ustedes tambien. Erik dice que se hubiera quedaddo charlando hasta entrada la noche.

Fishy, it is really nice. It' s good to put a face and "sound" to the people behind the comments and posts.