The "Pastel Squares" Seed Handbag is already in my DaWanda shop where you can see more detailed pictures of this bag.
And there is one more to go before I hand it over to you guys....just stay tuned...!
Before I die, I want to see everything from above from a hot air balloon... I see them so colorful floating on ths ky quite often around here and I wish I was there too...
All the credit for this photos to the talented people who took them. Click on the picture for a larger view and data on the artists.
If you want to join the Flickr Favorites fun, visit Mitsy' s blog!
Coral reefs... aren' t they beautiful...and just so fragile!
It' s sunny and warm here and I' m still spinning like mad and hopefully tomorrow I will be able to show you all. In the meantime... I dream with a coral reef. One day, I hope, I will be able to dive and look at them live and direct...that is if we humans get our act together and stop destroying them...right?
All the credit for this photos to the talented people who took them. Click on the picture for a larger view and data on the artists.
If you want to join the Flickr Favorites fun, visit Mitsy' s blog!
I showed you the other day some of the fibres I dyed. Now this weekend I' m hoping to spin them. Bamboo, merino, silk and cotton.
And later tomorrow, Craftparking in Maastricht. A arts and craft market. I won' t have a stall but a couple of friends will... So, Kim and Mitsy...have fun and good luck to you! See you tomorrow.
And the rest of you...have a nice weekend!
This is what I' ve been up to: dyeing wool, cotton, silk and bamboo.
Last week a friend called me because she was going to dye some stuff for her kids and she wanted some help... so I came along with some wool...I thought...hey... let's try, why not? Even though we were using commercial dyes -and my goal is to learn to make my own dye baths with natural dye stuff, i.e: plants- I wanted to try.
Anything that involves colors leaves me amazed as if I were staring at a miracle! hahaha I know, like a little kid.
So happy I was, when I came home I had to try for myself. And now that they are dry...I' m spinning like there is no tomorrow! This is addictive!!!!
Click on the mosaic to see pictures with more detail.
Oh yes, and a new Lily Seed hand bag tomorrow!
It' s tuesday again, and these are my Flickr Favorites, with Cotton as it' s theme. I loooove this fluffy looking flowers. Are they flowers? Well, it' s called a "boll" the fluffy stuff which surrounds the seeds. Either way, I like them.
My new obsession... and I will show you tomorrow why :)
Interestingly enough, whilst looking up information on cotton, I realized that this small little plant has been in the spotlight for hundreads of years. Native to tropical lands, like the Americas, India and Africa. Inhabitants from even pre-Inca times hand spun the cotton, dyed it and then weaved it into gorgeous tapestries which were found preserved, centuries later, in tombs.
It was part of what took the Dutch East Indies Company to India, it took part of the process of industralization of England...Industrial Revolution, it stood centre stage in the Civil war in The US, Mahatma Ghandi used to spin it all day as he was doing his peaceful protests...and much more.
It is the most used fiber these days in the world.
And I love these pictures of it.
If you want to participate in the Flickr Favorites game, hop to Mitsy' s blog
All the credit to the talented photographers who took these pictures.