It's my birthday!!! 33 yrs old! WOW! Remember when you were a kid and thought that by 33 you were going to be a serious, well adjusted, busy adult?? Good thing I didn't turn into that! HA!
I must have gone a long way considering that today I'm seriously looking forward to celebrating my birthday. Years ago I wasn't so keen on it. I'm still partial on surprise birthday parties which save us, the birthday people, from spending the whole day cooking and baking for guests...but nonetheless...joy.
My husband and son gave me for my birthday a spinning wheel with a detachatble thingy on top for winding the spun wool, two carding brushes and 4 kilos of wool. YIPIIIIEEEEEEEE! Me happy. A few days ago, for mother's day, I got a pasta maker so I guess I will be busy in the coming days...months.
Without getting too sentimental, I must say that, looking back, I've had a great life and I am today happier than ever. I'm looking forward to this "new year". I just need an adventure now to shake the dust of the comfortable, safe and stable burgeois life I lead....hmmmmm........ideas?
Happy birthday me! :)
Weeehaaa! Happy birthday Marian! *throws Marian in the air*
How about a kiln as an adventure? ;)
Enjoy your day & I hope it will be filled with lots of joy!
happy birthday!
have a nice day....
Have a wonderful day, Marian! For a mini adventure, why not visit a new town or somewhere you haven't been before?
thanks everyone!
Yeah Mitsy, and oven would be an adventure indeed!
Filz, dankeSchoon!
Mini adventure to a neighbouring city would be cool... although I need a big adventure...like a new country, or bagpacking for months or ...something like that. :lol:
Happy b-day toooo youuuuuu!! Holala... I'm also 33 and I feel like a new life is starting...;)tomate unos vinos o unos ferneses sin pensar en nada y just enjoy the moment!!
happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday! And congrats with such wonderful presents, waiting for new yarn projects)
happy, happy birthday! 33 is a great year!
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag!!!!!
Dat burgelijke is wat je er zelf van maakt?! Wat is normaal en wat is abnormaal?
Jong <->oud?? De dingen die je doet lijken mij niet in het standaard/ brugelijke leven te passen. Dus enjoy!!!Veel plezier met je spinnewiel en de wol. Ik wilde dat ik ook zo'n supercadeaux kreeg met mijn 33ste. Veel nieuew ervaringen in je 33ste levensjaar!
Happy Birthday Mariana! I like your learning and exploring spirit. Looking forward to your new adventure.
Many hugs!
Hola Florcita,mi nombre es Silvia soy de Buenos Aires, FELIZ CUMPLE!!!!te leo, pero todavía no me hice un blog.
Y también me encanta el fieltro!!!
thanks everyone for your wishes. I had a lovely time... 2 parties down, one more to go. :)
Silvia, hola! bienvenida! Quedate un rato y si tenes ganas charlamos sobre fieltro... cualquier cosa, mi dire de mail info@florcita.eu
Very happy year(s) for you!!!
My younger daughter was born exactly on the same day as you! :) just few years later :D
It is so nice to read that you are enjoying your days, I wish you it never stops! Happy Birthday and Happy Crafting!
Happy birthday Mariana (belated, sorry!!)!! I hope you enjoyed your day!!
Sorry, I missed your birthday! I hope you had a great day :D
thanks everyone for the good wishes! I ahd a great time and got lots of prezzies... so all is good!
HappyHappy (belated) birthday.
Sooo cool , a spinning wheel :-D
I feel the same way, happier than I could have imagined. And hope we will never grow up.
Thanks Inger! I got a one pedal löuet. I'm still trying to get the hand of it, but really enjoying it!
Yeah, I dont want to grow up! LOL
Happy Birthday - sorry it's belated. Wow - can't wait to see what you do with your spinning wheel! Love your new header.
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