We are group of 10 women from all over the world. We choose a question and all of us have to answer it in our blogs. It will be very interesting to read what each of us
has to say, taking in account how much our lives and crafts differ.
-This month we are taking a look at our sources of inspiration: notebooks, pinboards, scrapbooks, pictures, sites, books, etc.
I already mentioned in the previous merry go round a couple of books and websites that I like to check out quite often which are also a source of inspiration, not only knowledge.
When it comes to pinboards or journals I must admit that I have failed to keep them neat and up to date. I do yank pages out of magazines and cut out pictures. More than shapes what inspires me is ussually a certain color combination. If I cut out a magazine page with a promotion of Sardegna's beaches, it has more to do with the colorway depicted there (and an immense wish to go to the ocean, and Sardegna wouldn't be bad at all...).

I have three notebooks with sketches, little drawings, lots of notes in different languages which would make it very difficult for other people to read! Although it looks as if I was writing in code, it isn't done on purpose, it's just how my head works these days.
We buy a lot of books every month and art, photography or design books are always on the list. Even though I might not do something that directly relates to something I saw on a book, it just adds information to my head, I think.
I do take a lot of photographs, macros ussually, and I have lots of folders in my computer which I think would be my digital pinboards or scrapbooks. Example: I cooked some red beets a while back and as I was peeling them under running water (they were hothot!), deep red water filled the sink. Immediately I started to shoot that...silly...it's just red water... I know... but I came up with this:

Without a doubt, of all these pictures I'm constantly taking - mostly of my own garden; flowers are quite often my models. There is an appeal, from the design point of view, in staring at nature with it's wide range of regular patterns, shapes and bright colors. The challenge is there: try to reproduce those designs-

So, that's it. Books, colors, nature. I can not wait until I have my own studio (which miiiiiight happen next year) and I can have a whole wall with papers, drawings and photographs pinned to it. A dream! hahaha!
Do please check the posts of the other girls who take part of this merry go round:
Lily at http://lilypangart.blogspot.com
Ruth at http://insidetheartisan.blogspot.com